Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Guangzhou to Hong Kong

I don't think I have mentioned how attached Miss AG is to her daddy.  Oh my heavens this girl screams at the top of her lungs if she is away from daddy.  Our guide had let us know that the child might tAke to one parent over the other.  She wants me to help dress her and take her to the bathroom but that is it!!  Otherwise she swats at me if I come near her and her daddy lol.

Well - today was a travel day.  Exhausting for Brian as this was our girls first travel experience- first time on a plane.  She was not sure what to think.  The plane ride went well all accept for daddy getting up to goto the bathroom and she screamed the whole time he was gone.

Today brought progress though.  After we got to the hotel and met our new guide - I mentioned that AG was super attached to daddy and he would be going back to work when we got home- how would I be able to bond with this child?  Well,  the guide rattled something to AG (spoke to her in Chinese) and whatever she told her worked because from that moment on Miss AG was happy and Joyful to play with all of us.  Even the boys too which was not sure of.

The minute we got in the new hotel room she was beaming and playful with the boys and I playing horsy on Carson...

Brian was not feeling well so I decided to take the kids down to the hotel playground so daddy could rest.  She was happy to go along with the boys and I.  Such progress.

City Tour - in Guangzhou, we toured a Buddist Temple, where we had Miss AG blessed for a great future.  We also toured the Olde Chen House.

Boat Cruise- One evening - all the adoptive families gathered to take a Riverboat Cruise.  We all ordered Papa Johns as the guides mentioned the Americans did not care for the traditional food on the cruise.

Mexican night-  After many days and nights - yes - a Mexican Restaurant was much welcomed!

Mcdonalds - and McDonalds was welcomed as well.  Miss AG enjoyed French Fries and ketchup lol.

US Consulate - it's official - we visited the US Consulate to finalize all paperwork so that when we arrive in the US she will be a US citizen. 

Last stop Hong Kong as our flight back to the US was via Hong Kong.  A trip to Hong Kong Disneyland was a delight!

AG and Daddy
Fun in the Hotel room with Brothers
Olde Chen House
The Blessing
Riverboat cruise.  Two pieces of pizza for this girl!
On the cruise

Hong Kong Disney

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