Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Third Trimester and Nesting

I feel that this baby girl is coming soon.  My maternal instincts kick in as I prepare her room and get ready to travel.  All of sudden I have these urges to finish everything up, prepare, get ready.............. Nesting!

So, I have been cleaning up the house and organizing.  Gathering things around the house to set aside for the trip. 

I have found some great used books for $.01 - yeah.   Books on Adoption for Brian and I referred by many fellow adoptive parents and Children's books on adoption. 

I always like to read the reviews of books before I buy.  I like to see each persons perspective of the book before I choose a book.  I learn something every time I read these views.  I get another persons perspective on the book whether it be good or bad.  Often times it is an adoptee reviewing the book from their personal perspective.  I want to be sensitive to all of these things and I cant be sensitive if I am not aware.  Thankful for reviews.

We are in the Last Trimester and patiently waiting for the next step. 

Dear God - I thank you and praise you for all your many blessings and for this wonderful life.  I would like to lift up our sweet girl to you.  Please cover her with your love and keep her safe until her family comes to get her.  Continue to prepare our hearts and minds for this journey.  Thank you.  In Jesus Name - Amen.


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