3/5/2013- Just last week we were in the China section at Epcot praying, wishing and hoping for our little girl and I can not believe how God is moving mountains for us to get to our girl so quickly.
Well, Here she is our little girl. She was born around Nov. 8th 2010 (they are not really sure) as she was abandoned in December (1 month after her birth). She was found at the steps of the city building. She is currently living with a foster mother and grandmother. This is a very good thing for child in China to be out of the orphanege and in foster care - then ultimately with a forever family of course.
We are very excited to see what God has in store for us and this little angel.
Her given name in China is Zhou Yin Yan (Zhou is the name of the orphanege/area, Yin means respectful and Yan means flame or fire).
Please Pray:
- For her health, safety and development
- That she will know love
- For her Foster Mother and Grandmother
- For her to know that she has a loving family coming to get her very soon
- That she will not fear us - That she will see us and feel comfortable. We will get to send pictures of us ahead of time and a care package.
- For her transition to be smooth as I am sure this will be very emotional and scary for her
- For our compassion understand and patience with her knowing the obstacles she has faced (she will have a period of mourning)
- For our strength to get through the process
- For the boys acceptance of her (We have no doubts - but extra prayers can't hurt)
- That we will meet our Fundraising goals quickly to bring her home.
Thank you so very much in advance. We appreciate all the love and support that we have been given thus far. It is so reassuring to have such support from family and friends.
Please join me in welcoming our little Yin Yan to our family! :)